In case of a positive screening test, confirmation of results must be carried out via more complex chemical analysis. 如果筛选检测呈阳性,就必须通过更加复杂的化学分析来确认结果。
It is so; as you say or ask. both Used to express affirmation, agreement, positive confirmation, or consent. 「就是这样。」「你所说或你所问。」者皆用来表达肯定的、意的、实的、定的或答应的。
By enabling positive delivery confirmation, the T.37 standard adds a level of reliability that fax users have come to expect. 通过实现肯定的交付确认,T.37标准增加了传真用户期待着要达到的可靠性水平。
The positive samples were submitted to RIBA confirmation and RT-HCV RNA PCR assay. 部分阳性标本作了RIBA证实实验及HCVRNA分析。
Some false positive and overlooked M-QTLs was found by comparison of M-QTL mapping results and their responses to selection in the populations with different genetic structures. Importance of confirmation was emphasized for the M-QTL identified from mapping populations. 通过比较不同群体结构的主效QTL定位及对选择响应的异同,发现一些假阳性QTL和在随机作图群体中漏检的QTL,强调作图群体QTL定位结果验证的重要性。